Top 5 NetGalley Reads/Listens

I have been a member of NetGalley for several years and over those years I have read my fair share of reads and discovered new authors and favourite reads that I may not have otherwise have discovered. I have become very picky with the titles I pick these days, but I have read some greatContinue reading “Top 5 NetGalley Reads/Listens”

Different Book Subscriptions For a Year

Hey Fellow Readers 👋 It’s already August and 2020 is almost over *a brief sigh of relief*, so I have already started making plans for things to do for next year. One of which involves Book Subscription Boxes. I have always loved the idea of Book Subscription Boxes, but I always feel like being in theContinue reading “Different Book Subscriptions For a Year”

July Re-Read Wrap Up

At the start of July I set out to re-read several books now that I have completed my Goodreads Reading Challenge and feel like I have extra time for going back and re-reading some books, without that lingering guilt. The books I had chosen to re-read at the start of July were a mixture ofContinue reading “July Re-Read Wrap Up”

July Re-Read TBR

I have been wanting to re-read a few books for a while now, but with my ever growing TBR, I can never justify to myself setting aside time to rereading books I have already read when I have so many unread books on my currently TBR. However, with the unexpected time that was Lockdown andContinue reading “July Re-Read TBR”

Reading Plans for the Second Half of 2020

Hi Everyone! It’s such a weird thing to say but, we are half way through the year!! SHOCKING right!! So what does that mean when it comes to reading plans. With the “joys” of corona and lockdown, I am currently beyond my target when it comes to my Goodreads Reading Challenge. To Start and Hopefully finishContinue reading “Reading Plans for the Second Half of 2020”

Reading Percy Jackson For The First Time

Hi everyone!! This may come as a little bit of a shock, but even though I would class myself as a very avid reader, I have not read the Percy Jackson series *hanging my head in shame*. However, as we are all currently in lockdown and I do already own the series, I thought thatContinue reading “Reading Percy Jackson For The First Time”

Goodreads Reading Challenge Stats So Far…

Hi Everyone 👋 How’s lockdown treating you all? So we at currently at the beginning of May and I have just had a little reminder from Goodreads about regarding my Goodreads Reading Challenge. So it got me wondering how I’m doing so far, especially with the inclusion of lockdown and that little reading boost. SoContinue reading “Goodreads Reading Challenge Stats So Far…”

Horror Reading Fest

Something that you all may not know about me is that I am a bit of a Horror fanatic. I love a good Horror film, so when Halloween comes around every year, I get a little excited. I take that time every year and book it off work and make a good excuse to indulgeContinue reading “Horror Reading Fest”

Reading Children’s Classics

Hello Book Lovers and Bloggers 👋 Remember all those books you read as a child, that inspired you and gave you your addiction and love of book? I remember some of mine, and believe me, not all of those were those, in fact not many at all, were Children’s Classics that are meant to beContinue reading “Reading Children’s Classics”

Rereading Books 📖

I was never somebody who wanted or thought they were ever going to reread books, like I rewatch movies, because I already know everything and the time and effort you put into reading a book is different to a movie. The reason I always told myself I was keeping a hold of my books, wasContinue reading “Rereading Books 📖”