September Book Haul 2016

Books I Purchased During The Month of September:During the month of September, I purchased and completed a book series I have wanted to own for a very long time. This is a personal goal of mine, and a book series that I have read, and a book to movie adaptation that I have seen. ItContinue reading “September Book Haul 2016”

August Book Haul 2016

Hello book lovers and fellow bloggers 😀 I am actually posting my first Book Haul post on time in months an not a couple of weeks into the following month! I know I can’t believe it either. I am actually getting back on track after the car crash. Even though I am still doing physiotherapy, my everydayContinue reading “August Book Haul 2016”

July Book Haul 2016

Hello fellow book lovers and bloggers! July was a good month for me when it came to buying books, and brand new books at that, as I usually love bargain book hunting. But there were so many books that I wanted this month that I went Amazon book hunting instead and even then I hadContinue reading “July Book Haul 2016”

June Book Haul 2016

I am super late posting my Book Haul for the month of June, as we are massively into July already. I do have a good reason for why I am so behind and late in doing my Book Haul this month, as I was in a car accident on Sunday. Thankfully, everyone who was in theContinue reading “June Book Haul 2016”

May Book Haul 2016

This month has been a very busy month for buying, winning and receiving books. I know I said that I wasn’t going to be buying books until I have read a massive chunk of the books that I already own, but I have won a few Goodreads Giveaway, plus there was a book fair andContinue reading “May Book Haul 2016”

April Book Haul 2016

I haven’t bought that many books this month, physical printed books that is, so there aren’t going to be that many books to show in this month’s haul. I have bought, read, downloaded and been sent quite a few eBooks from authors, publishers, Story Cartel, Amazon, Netgalley and so on, but I have made aContinue reading “April Book Haul 2016”

March Book Haul 2016

Even though March isn’t technically over yet, this is going to be my first book haul on my site and I’ve got to admit that I was really excited for this haul, for one book in particular. I bought/won seven books this month, five of which arrived this morning, one of these books complete oneContinue reading “March Book Haul 2016”