Flight Of A Starling – Lisa Heathfield

“Rita and Lo, sisters and best friends, have spent their lives on the wing – flying through the air in their trapeze act, never staying in one place for long. Behind the greasepaint and the glitter, they know that the true magic is the family they travel with. Until Lo meets a boy. Suddenly, sheContinue reading “Flight Of A Starling – Lisa Heathfield”

Book Review: The Haunting of Hill House – Shirley Jackson

If you are going to go into this book because of the Netflix series, I do warn you to expect some serious differences! Now that’s out of the way, let’s get to my review. I really enjoyed this book, even though I did expect some different when I went into this book. I have hadContinue reading “Book Review: The Haunting of Hill House – Shirley Jackson”

Review: Thirteen Reasons Why – Jay Asher

**** Imagine receiving a package in the mail. You’d be happy right, imagining what it could be? So then you open it up and discover a box full of cassette tapes, each labelled from 1 through to 13. This parcel has no return address on it so you have no idea who sent you this random boxContinue reading “Review: Thirteen Reasons Why – Jay Asher”

Final Day of my Book-A-Thon!

My week long Book-A-Thon has had its ups and downs, but my last day ended on high, well a success,  with me finally able to finish reading The Trap by Melanie Raabe. This meant I didn’t have to end my Book-A-Thon midway through a book, which is an added bonus ☺  So, how was myContinue reading “Final Day of my Book-A-Thon!”

Book-A-Thon: Day 3 (Tuesday 30th August 2016)

How has Day 3 of my Book-A-Thon gone I hear you asking?. Well let’s see how this day went. . .  Day 3 started with me posting my daily Book-A-Thon update, before reading a little more of Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher, before getting ready to leave to go and have yet another growlingContinue reading “Book-A-Thon: Day 3 (Tuesday 30th August 2016)”

Teaser Tuesday – 30th August 2016

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme that is currently being hosted by @Books and a Beat. All are welcome to participate Rules: ●Grab your current read. ●Open to a random page. ●Share two ‘teaser’ sentences from somewhere on that page. ●BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (You don’t want to give too much away soContinue reading “Teaser Tuesday – 30th August 2016”